好久没写博客了,之前一直在做RelexNet的项目,感觉上是做出了一些还不错的东西,也不知道能不能发一篇论文。这个学期选了anu Statistic Machine Learning这门以前的神课,当然感觉现在好像没有以前那种难度的感觉了,但结合这门课加上PRML这本书的学习,也从数学的角度更好的理解了一些机器学习的原理,不得不说Bishop是真的很爱用贝叶斯来解释一切。
It is a long time for me not writing the Blog. Recently, I just finished my last honours year of bachelor degree and the thesis. I am not sure if the thesis could be published to a conference, but I will trying to do this. In the last semester, I chose the course COMP4670 (Statistical Machine Learning). Although it may be not as difficult as before, I could also learn much knowledge from this course and PRML (Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning) book. From a mathematical point of view, I have a better understanding of some machine learning principles. I have to say that Bishop really likes to use Bayes to explain everything (lol). I would like to update about Kernel method first, the previous chapters can also be updated slowly.